Almost 50% of the world’s population consists of women, but most events are catered towards men. In a patriarchal society, there is an increasing number of women who are demanding that their voices be heard. In industries heavily dominated by men, the men to women ratio is often tipped in the men’s favour, which can often make the women feel uncomfortable in their own fields. Even though the industries are dominated by men, we should still take into account the women’s needs so that it will encourage more women to step up and join these industries.

This is henceforth why when anyone is planning an event, they should understand the needs of modern women and create events that are not only tasteful towards men but also towards women, not only so that they have a platform for their voices to be heard, but also to ensure they have an enjoyable and memorable experience during the events.

1. Equality
Many women are afraid to speak up about their experiences and stories due to many men overshadowing them or interrupting them when they speak. Hence, they need events where they have a platform to support one another, access role models and hear success stories from women, such that they can be inspired to share their own experiences as well. There are quite a few things that can be done to make events more women-friendly other than just straight up planning a women-only event.

Firstly, it would be good if one could set an attendance and speaker goal for their event, such that there is an equal number of male and female attendees as well as speakers. Even if you are unable to reach your goal, it would be reassuring for the female attendees to know that you understand their needs and have attempted to make the event more inclusive for them.

Secondly, you could give the graphics and marketing techniques you are using for your event a once-over to check if the diversity and inclusion representing you and your event is enough to attract more women to attend your event. Be sure to include a varied group of people on your graphics to be more inclusive.

2. Modern women
Modern women are time-strapped, multi-taskers and wear many hats. Many women juggle being a mother as well as her work, therefore, to make any event more inclusive for women, you have to consider their other needs and make arrangements for those needs. You should do your best to get rid of any setbacks which might prevent those women from having time to attend your event.

For example, for those working women with children, you have to consider whether they need to make use of childcare services or not? If yes, please think of ways to combat this obstacle, such as partnering with a childcare provider to make the event more accessible for women who have children. This allows them options so that they are free to attend events.

Of course, even for those women with no children, there are other concerns that they might have which hinders them from attending the event. When researching your target audience for your event, make sure to take into account these other needs so that they may have an enjoyable and memorable experience during your event instead of their other concerns occupying their mind. Remember, this event is for the attendees, not for yourself, so make sure to put your attendees needs first instead of your wants.

3. Keeping up with trends
In order to attract more women to your event, you should always be in the know regarding the latest trends that women enjoy so that you can create interest and buzz surrounding your event. This is a more efficient method of events marketing, because most people tend not to attend events that they find enjoyable and boring. However, do not take the easy way out and lean into stereotypes about what women enjoy, such as the colour pink or shopping, but rather hear about what women enjoy directly from the women themselves. To do this, you could include a form on your registration form to collect data on what kinds of things women want to see at an event.

Another way to keep up with trends would be to include networking activities during your events, so that female entrepreneurs can get to know one another, this can help to strengthen the bonds of women in industries normally dominated by men and help to expand their companies, so that if in the future the female entrepreneurs need help, they can support their fellow women and hire them to work for them instead of having to rely on their usual options.

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