At the peak of digital transformation and innovation, smartphones have been integrated into most people’s daily lives, and along with it came a strong social media presence, with almost half of the world’s population using some form of social media.

According to research done by datareportal, just last year alone, there were almost 2 million new users every day. Social media is undeniably a big part of everyday life, and many businesses are learning how to utilise social media to advertise their brands. If they do not learn how to do that, they might lose their competitive edge and fall behind other more popular brands.

Similarly, expertise and finesse in running virtual events have given many brands the edge to connect with their audience in these isolated times.

Despite physical events becoming obsolete, people are connecting online more than ever and the platforms are endless – Zoom, Microsoft Teams, and where video conferencing and social media intersect to reach out to your target audience: Facebook Live, Instagram Live, and yes, the social app that everyone’s talking about these days: Clubhouse!

To keep up with the evolving industry and remain bullish, follow these event tips to make your business resilient, relentless and diligent like the Ox!  

1. Keep up with the latest news

In order to maintain a competitive edge against competing businesses, you should

always be in the know. There are many new trends and digital innovations that pop up among the various social media platforms.

This is crucial to capture Generation Z as well as millennials, therefore, if your businesses’ target audience are the younger generations, understanding how to utilise social media to your benefit determines success of your business.

Adaptation is the key to survival, and this rings true to the way a business is run and promoted through events and outreach efforts.

If you truly want to stand out amongst the hundred thousands of companies in Singapore and compete against the ever growing market, you have to adapt to social media and virtual event platforms.

Another thing to keep track would be the rising popularity of different social media platforms, so that one can decide which platforms their company can thrive on.

For example, a relatively new social media app, TikTok, is fast approaching the top spot for most popular social media app of all time. As Generation Z have very short attention spans, this app is perfect to capture their attention, as TikTok offers short and funny videos.

If a business can shoot a video which captures the essence of the company in less than a minute, their ideal social media platform would definitely be TikTok.

Compared to TikTok and the by-invite only Clubhouse, Facebook and Instagram are more mass. Use these channels to reach out to wider demographics of audiences!

2. Maintain good relationships with clients and consumers with valuable events

The most important part of a company is their clients, as without them, companies

would have no one to provide their services too, and therefore would not earn any money to continue running their business.

In order to maintain good relationships with your clients or customers and achieve top of mind recall, consistently push out events that are of value to them.

Webinars, product launches, seminars, networking events when done virtually with event expertise prove to be crucial marketing tools today.

Avoid Zoom fatigue by offering real value to your audience – organise your event with only them in mind!

3. Embrace change

Adaptability is key to survival, and this saying still stands true to a


Things change constantly around the world, to be stuck in the past is a death sentence.

We live in an era of instability and risk, with things such as globalisation and digitalisation taking over the world by storm, and if one is not prepared for change, they will fall back behind the other companies.

According to Business Harvard Review, the percentage of companies falling out of the top 3 spots in their industries increased from 2% in 1960 to a whooping 14% in 2008. This means it is getting harder and harder for companies to keep up with the great amounts of changes in the world. To prevent that from happening, you have to keep an open mind and always be eager to learn.

This happens to tie in to the above where one of the greatest changes that changed the working world is the arrival of various social media platforms. Of course, that is not all.

Recently, breakthroughs in Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been taking the world by storm, and some companies have already began using AI to their advantage, for example, Google has used the Deep Learning Algorithm in order to provide a better user experience for each individual so that the users will keep coming back to Google as their main search engine.

Zoom has become a verb and inseparable to our lives.

While these are unprecedented and uncertain times, the technological tools today ensure that brands are able to adapt and overcome any challenges.

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