The keywords for events in 2020 are “digital” and “experiential”. Events that skillfully integrate digital and experience into the fold have become a hot topic in recent years. Here’s how you can evolve with events in 2020:

Evolve Digitally

By going digital, you can run the event efficiently and take environmental strides at the same time. For example, use e-tickets instead of physical tickets to save paper and printing. This saves time to check attendees into the event, gathers attendee information for your database for post-event follow ups and confers an efficient and socially responsible image on the event, which results in customer satisfaction and positive perception.

Post-event surveys can also be meted out digitally, by scanning a QR code or through digital gadgets, instead of the ol’ pen and paper. This encourages user participation and leaves a good impression on guests.

Evolve Experientially

By offering guests a unique experience, you can leave a strong impression about the event, the company and the service you provide to your customers. For example, when you hold product launches to promote your company’s new product or service, you should set up an experiential booth for customers and guests to try it out first hand.

There are mainly three merits about this.

  1. Spread the good word effectively

It is easier to convey and appeal a unique selling point of your services and goods when you have an actual experience rather than when you just see it. In addition, a tactile experience will promote awareness and understanding your product.

  1. Low cost

The cost hurdle is low because you bring the product to the event and have people experience that. Aided by technology, you can enhance the experience by making it more user-friendly.

  1. The social element

If you have guests take, post and share the pictures and videos of your event and product online, the outreach effect will be multiplied. With adequate image and branding at the event, your product will be making its rounds on the internet – enough to create awareness and induce interest which may lead to increased sales for your business.

As attendees get increasingly savvy and discerning about the products and events that they associate themselves with, companies need to know how to cater to their changing preferences to offer experiences that are valuable, memorable and insightful. Let’s see what 2020 will bring!

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