by Eminence event | Mar 31, 2020 | Event Marketing Tips
SPOTLIGHT ON MILLENNIALS: THREE THINGS IN EVENTS THAT MILLENNIALS RESPOND TO They may be young, but they are aware of what they want from your event. Here are three things you should focus on to get them tuned in. CREATE AN EXPERIENCE THEY VALUE Unlike baby boomers,...
by Eminence event | Mar 31, 2020 | Event Marketing Tips
EVENTS MANAGEMENT HAS GONE ONLINE! Events and events planning are not the same today as they used to be some years ago. The old models are falling away and the internet is enabling new, dynamic formats of events to come to the surface and be considered by planners and...
by Eminence event | Mar 31, 2020 | Event Marketing Tips
DIVERSITY IN EVENTS: TIPS TO MAXIMISE DIVERSITY AND INCLUSION In any event, the audience is the central part. Once you get the hang of your audience, every experience you create helps foster an ideal relationship with them. Event managers can make a jump start and...
by Eminence event | Mar 31, 2020 | Event Case Studies
MANAGING ASIA’S BIGGEST MOTORSPORT EVENT : F1 In light of the recently concluded Formula 1 2018 Singapore Grand Prix, we have much to learn about planning and execution from one of Asia’s biggest motorsport event and one of Singapore’s biggest event. Bringing an...
by Eminence event | Mar 31, 2020 | Event Marketing Tips
ORGANISING A PARTY TO CELEBRATE BOSSES’ DAY There are times employees do not understand the hard work and dedication that their superiors put in and the challenges they face on a daily basis. Boss’s Day is a great opportunity to appreciate and be thankful for all the...